SAVEMEDCOASTS – Sea level rise scenarios along the Mediterranean coasts (DG ECHO 2016)



Duration: 01/01/2017- 01/01/2019

Country: Italy, Greece, Cyprus

Budget Project: EUR 656.824,38




SAVEMEDCOASTS – Sea level rise scenarios along the Mediterranean coasts project – promoted by CGIAM and INGV, is one of the 26 projects funded by the Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) within the Call 2016 “Prevention and Preparedness Projects in Civil Protection and marine Pollution”.

The call objective was to select projects able to support and integrate the efforts of the Member States and Third Countries in prevention and preparedness activities in the field of civil protection and marine pollution with a focus on the areas where a common european approach is more important.

The SAVEMEDCOASTS project, focused on the Prevention priority, aims to respond to the need for people and assets prevention from natural disasters in Mediterranean coastal areas undergoing to increasing sea level rise and climate change impacts.

  1. Supporting civil protection at different levels and with different tools and methods, to produce exhaustive risk assessments for different periods;
  2. Improving governance and raising community awareness towards the impacts of sea level rise and related hazard;
  3. Fostering cooperation amongst science, affected communities and civil protection organizations within and between targeted Mediterranean areas.

CGIAM will be in charge of: (i) building the Stakeholders’ and Decision-makers Capacity and awareness on the topics of prevention of people and goods from natural disasters in coastal areas; (ii) planning, design, updating and management of GIS and WebGIS; (iii) expeditive assessment of coastal flooding areas extension due to combined effects of sea level rising and ordinary and extreme storm surge event on a littoral prone to erosion; (iv) assessment of coastal flooding risks scenario changes induced by severe storm events and  erosion dynamics.